Text Messaging for Churches


Connect with your staff and congregation through texting

Churches and religious organizations typically have a variety of staff and member groups to communicate with. Maybe it's the young adults group that meets on Thursday nights, or the youth group that meets on Wednesdays, the choir, the pastoral team, you name it.

There are so many important groups that all need some of the same messages, but oftentimes, they need to communicate something unique to only their group. This is where text messaging with the ability to segment your various member groups can really be helpful.


Coordinating a change in schedule

Let's say there's a popular non-church community activity happening on Thursday next week where 50 members of the young adults group plans to attend - but that's generally when they meet at the church each week. You might communicate with the group in advance that the young adults group is moved to Wednesday next week instead of Thursday. Maybe you do that via email the week before but know that plenty of members will forget by next week.

One beneficial communication to the group would be a text message on Wednesday morning reminding everyone that the group meets tonight instead of tomorrow. The text is less likely to get lost in the shuffle of their emails that day and will prompt them to arrange their schedule right away, improving participation in the young adults group lessons.


Get everyone on the same page quickly

Not only does church text messaging help you keep your member groups engaged in their specific activities, it can serve as a tool to keep the entire congregation informed of important details in a quick and concise way.

Emails are great for newsletters, service recaps for those not in attendance, and general calendar updates. When it comes to keeping specific groups on the same page with location changes, time changes, or simple reminders, text messaging is often a much better solution.

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